Sunday, February 20, 2011

Update and more challenge (I am HORRIBLE at this!)

Today is day 4 of 100mg Clomid and I'm having less side effects than last month.  A little pain around my ovaries from time to time but that's to be expected when you're forcing them to do something they're not used to doing.  I have a follicle scan set up for Friday so I have my fingers crossed for 2+ follicles.  Our flexible spending account cards came in the mail yesterday so now we're not worried about how to pay for everything (we're paying off some bills and should be in the clear money-wise by April or May) so Geoff will be going for his semen analysis asap.  I know I've been saying for months he needed to go but if our insurance doesn't cover it it would cost about $150, which we need to pay off the bills from the last year of unemployment, having the FSA is the best thing in the world at this point.

Day 23: Favorite vacation: hasn't this been done before already?!
Day 24: Something you've learned  

I have learned that patience is a virtue and good things come to those who wait.  I have also learned that people have no idea what to say to someone who is infertile and end up putting their foot in their mouth constantly.  I have been told "I'd rather be in your situation than have to abort another one" and also "I gave up my last baby for adoption but if I'd known you I would totally have given him to you," the latter being from a 20 year old who is pregnant with baby #3.  

Day 25: Put your iPod on Shuffle- First 10 songs

1- Daniel by Elton John
2- This Ain't a Scene, it's an Arms Race by Fall Out Boy
3- Another Day from Rent
4- Agony from Into the Woods
5- A Public Affair by Jessica Simpson (yes, I actually like her...)
6- Waking Up in Vegas by Katy Perry
7- All-American Girl by Carrie Underwood
8- Can I Get A.. by Jay-Z
9- Bust Your Windows the Glee version
10- No One Mourns the Wicked from Wicked 

I have a pretty decent mix on my iPod. :)

Day 26: Picture of your family

Day 27: Pets

This is Bonnie, a.k.a. "the Bonz." She was our first cat together and a rescue from a shelter.  She has feline herpes, which is usually vaccinated against when they are kittens but she acquired it early in life.

 This is Lila, a.k.a. "Bug."  She was our 2nd pet together and also a rescue (from the same shelter).  She's a very sweet cat and loves to go outside and lay in the sun.
This is Gidget, she was yet another rescue but this time from the Vet Clinic where I worked.  She is approximately 7-9 years old and has become a very sweet dog.
This is Baron a.k.a. "BearBears." He is our only non-rescue and is a fantastic dog.  He has never and would never intentionally hurt someone and loves to go to my mom and dad's house to run around the 5 acres.