Thursday, February 3, 2011

I really need to stop being so bad at this!

So I've missed 3 days again, I've gotta stop being a horrible blogger!  Nothing new to report on the fertility line, other than I'm at odds with a nurse at my Dr's office because she won't schedule me for a 7DPO progesterone check.  I circumvented her and will be going to a local lab that does certain tests without a doctor's orders.  I want to make sure that I ovulated this cycle and the only way to do that is with this bloodwork.

Alright, now onto the 30 day challenge: Day 11: Favorite TV shows
Day 12: What you believe
Day 13: Goals

Day 11: 

My favorite TV shows are varied but mostly I'd say:
Glee: The Complete First SeasonCriminal Minds: The First SeasonThe Simpsons: The Thirteenth SeasonJeopardyGreek: Chapter Five - The Complete Third SeasonAmerica's Next Top Model - Cycle 1Law & Order Special Victims Unit - The First YearTrue Blood: The Complete First Season (HBO Series)

I obviously love TV haha and I love shows that make me think at some times (like Criminal Minds, Jeopardy, and Law and Order: SVU, and at other times I love shows that are just light and easy to watch (like Glee, The Simpsons, Greek, True Blood, and ANTM).  The only kinds of shows I don't really like are Science Fiction like Star Trek, which kills Geoff because those are his favorites!

Day 12: 

I believe in God, but I don't believe in all the tenets of the church, especially the Catholic Church in which I was raised.  I hate the way that religion is skewed to fit a certain warped point of view (ie: anti-gay, anti-IVF, anti-Muslim, etc).  I believe that all things are created by God and if they are created  by Him, how can they be bad?  All religions have the same basic idea, one or more deities who require a certain moral code.  There are slight differences between them but I don't understand why people think that their one religion is better than another.  

Day 13: 

Right now my main goal is obviously to get pregnant.  Geoff and I want 4 kids before we're 35 (hopefully even sooner than that) so being 26 with a difficult time getting pregnant scares us.  Hopefully this first round of treatment will work and we'll be on our way to fertile city!  
Other than that, my goal for my career is to be either a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner or a Family Practice Nurse Practitioner.  I have always wanted to do something in medicine and I love children so pediatrics seemed to be the way to go.  Midwifery also appeals to me, but I am still not 100% sure of that path.  I want to achieve my BSN by 35 and my MSN by 45 so I think that I have put myself on a good path to achieving my goals.