Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 19: Something you miss

I intentionally skipped day 18 because I don't truly regret anything-everything I have done in my life has led me to where I am now and I've learned a lesson from the bad and embraced the good.

Now as to what I miss-I miss my Grandmother and Grandfather.  When I was little my parents were flat broke and both had to work full time jobs to even begin to make ends meet.  Because of this, I spent a lot of time at my grandparents house and they became "second parents" to me.  When my grandfather passed away in 2004 (he actually died on February 29th-so like him), it devastated me.  It was sudden, he'd been in the hospital for a bilateral leg amputation and was doing great-my mom had literally just left the hospital because he was doing so well when I got the call at home to get back asap as he didn't have much time.  I didn't make it in to talk to him and have so many things I wish I'd said before he died.  I told him every time I saw him that I loved him and I'd see him again so I have no regrets, I just wish I could have told him how much he truly meant to me.

 Grandpa and "his boy," my younger brother Greg.

Last January, Grandma went to be with Grandpa again after 6 long years without him.  He was her only love and she actually threatened any girls who gave him the time of day so that she could be with him.  He was friends with her older brother and when Grandma saw something she wanted, she went for it.  I loved her spunk and she and I were very close.  I was the only grandchild who could just sit and talk to her for hours on end about my life, her life, and just any subject in general.  I feel like we had a special bond and I miss her and probably will for the rest of my life.  I made sure that when I lived in NY I saw her at least once a week, even if it was for just a couple minutes over a drink (her-tea me-diet coke).  Then when I moved to KY, I tried to make sure to talk to her on the phone as much as I could and visited at least every other month.  I spent time every Christmas with her and stayed at her house any time I could.  She was a wonderful, warm hearted, gracious woman who wouldn't ever say a bad thing about anyone, even if she knew they would never hear it.  Even though she's gone, I still talk to her every day and tell her how much I love her and miss her.
Grandma having fun at our wedding with Sean, Geoff's dad.