Sunday, February 20, 2011

Decided to do the ABCs of me :)

A) Age: 26

(B) Bed Size: Queen

(C) Chore You Hate: I absolutely loathe doing dishes or laundry...lucky for me, Geoff does it :)

(D) Dogs? Baron-4 year old Pembroke Welsh Corgi; Gidget- 7 to 9 year old Chihuahua mix.

(E) Essential Start Your Day Item: my BBT haha

(F) Favorite Color: yellow but I also like pink's weird

(G) Gold or Silver? Silver

(H) Height: 5'7"

(I) Instruments You Play:  I played clarinet for 9 years so I'm sure I could still play it if I tried..I can also play some piano and flute

(J) Job Title: I'm a stay at home wife and college student

(K) Kids: working on #1 but we'd like 4;  3 biological and 1 adopted is our ideal. 

(L) Live: KY

(M) Mom's Name: Theresa

(N) Nicknames: Dip or Becca

(O) Overnight Hospital Stays? nope, not that I know of

(P) Pet Peeve: people who make decisions based on what they're told to think without looking at all of the facts for themselves

(Q) Quote from a Movie: "In my world everyone is a pony, and they all eat rainbows, and poop butterflies."-Horton Hears a Who 
(R) Right or Left Handed? Right

(S) Siblings: 1 brother, Geoff's an only child so no siblings-in-law

(T) Time You Wake Up? I usually wake up around 9 or 10

(U) Underwear: yup I wear it :P

(V) Vegetable You Dislike: Broccoli...yuck

(W) What Makes You Run Late: Oversleeping.  Other than that I am almost never late.

(X) X-Rays You've Had Done: I've broken my wrist once, my upper arm twice, and have had knee, neck, and ankle x-rays as well.

(Y) Yummy Food You Make: Geoff loves my spaghetti sauce

(Z) Zoo, Favorite Animal: Hippos, I have a great video of two of them at the San Diego Zoo playing 

Update and more challenge (I am HORRIBLE at this!)

Today is day 4 of 100mg Clomid and I'm having less side effects than last month.  A little pain around my ovaries from time to time but that's to be expected when you're forcing them to do something they're not used to doing.  I have a follicle scan set up for Friday so I have my fingers crossed for 2+ follicles.  Our flexible spending account cards came in the mail yesterday so now we're not worried about how to pay for everything (we're paying off some bills and should be in the clear money-wise by April or May) so Geoff will be going for his semen analysis asap.  I know I've been saying for months he needed to go but if our insurance doesn't cover it it would cost about $150, which we need to pay off the bills from the last year of unemployment, having the FSA is the best thing in the world at this point.

Day 23: Favorite vacation: hasn't this been done before already?!
Day 24: Something you've learned  

I have learned that patience is a virtue and good things come to those who wait.  I have also learned that people have no idea what to say to someone who is infertile and end up putting their foot in their mouth constantly.  I have been told "I'd rather be in your situation than have to abort another one" and also "I gave up my last baby for adoption but if I'd known you I would totally have given him to you," the latter being from a 20 year old who is pregnant with baby #3.  

Day 25: Put your iPod on Shuffle- First 10 songs

1- Daniel by Elton John
2- This Ain't a Scene, it's an Arms Race by Fall Out Boy
3- Another Day from Rent
4- Agony from Into the Woods
5- A Public Affair by Jessica Simpson (yes, I actually like her...)
6- Waking Up in Vegas by Katy Perry
7- All-American Girl by Carrie Underwood
8- Can I Get A.. by Jay-Z
9- Bust Your Windows the Glee version
10- No One Mourns the Wicked from Wicked 

I have a pretty decent mix on my iPod. :)

Day 26: Picture of your family

Day 27: Pets

This is Bonnie, a.k.a. "the Bonz." She was our first cat together and a rescue from a shelter.  She has feline herpes, which is usually vaccinated against when they are kittens but she acquired it early in life.

 This is Lila, a.k.a. "Bug."  She was our 2nd pet together and also a rescue (from the same shelter).  She's a very sweet cat and loves to go outside and lay in the sun.
This is Gidget, she was yet another rescue but this time from the Vet Clinic where I worked.  She is approximately 7-9 years old and has become a very sweet dog.
This is Baron a.k.a. "BearBears." He is our only non-rescue and is a fantastic dog.  He has never and would never intentionally hurt someone and loves to go to my mom and dad's house to run around the 5 acres.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A little information and 1 more day of the challenge.

First: Hi stalkers!  Feel free to comment so I know who you are! :P

Well, this cycle is almost certainly a bust.  Negative tests plus spotting that started today=AF is coming for a visit.  Not surprised, due to the fact that my O date was purely a guess (hCG trigger=24-48 hours before you ovulate and I forgot to temp several times this cycle).  I decided yesterday that I am going to bite the bullet and call an RE (Reproductive Endocrinologist).  Basically what an RE is is an OB/Gyn who is trained more fully and specializes in infertility.  This would be a doctor much more prepared to deal with my PCOS and with more time available to their infertile patients.  Dr. Karon is an amazing OB/Gyn, but it is a pain in the ass to get a monitoring appointment, her nurses don't know shit about infertility, and sitting in the waiting room with pregnant women and women with their children with them is agonizing at best.  The reason I say the nurses don't know shit is that when I called this cycle to get bloodwork to confirm I ovulated the nurse told me that there is no such thing and that progesterone is only checked when you get pregnant to ensure you make enough.  Not true, 7 DPO(days past ovulation) bloodwork can absolutely confirm ovulation.  If it is below 5, you didn't ovulate, if it is above 5 you did and with a medicated cycle, most RE's like to see it in the 10-20 range at 7 DPO.  We put Geoff's S/A (semen analysis) on hold until we go to an RE as we don't want to pay for it twice and most REs like to do one themselves.  

So, I will be calling Dr. Karon's office tomorrow to get my prescription for 100mg Clomid called in and make my monitoring appointment (I'm going to tell a little white lie if AF shows today so my "Cycle Day 10" scan will be on Cycle Day 11, a more convenient day for me and not a huge deal as far as follicle size goes).  Then, I will call an RE in the area and set up a consultation appointment and let them know what we have done so far and get a game plan set.  If I do this I am covering all of my bases and will still have a chance to conceive this cycle.  I am scared that if I go with just the RE, I will miss out on this cycle and it is very important to me to have all the chances I can get, especially since I had a "psychic" tell me that I would either conceive, find out, or be due in November.  If I got pregnant on this next cycle I'd be due in mid-November so I don't want to give up on that tiny glimmer of hope that I have.  

Day 22: Favorite City

My favorite city in the world, despite my decision not to live there anymore is Rochester, NY.  I love my family and have a large (over 30 people in just my Aunts/Uncles/Cousins/ Grandparents!) family base there.  The food is AMAZING and shopping is great.  The only things I really hated were that 1) it was in NY so taxes sucked and 2) NY winters are horrible and summers are short.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 20: Nicknames and Day 21: Picture of yourself

My nickname is Dip.  Well, to be more specific, my brother started calling me Dippy when I was 13 and it just stuck.  Then he and my friend got together and decided it needed to be a full, long name, so it became DippyDo Itchybutt (I sat in insulation) Dumpling (apparently I looked like a dumpling when I ran?)  I also respond to Becca but never Becky, it's too cutesy for my taste.

And a picture of me: This is from this September in St. Louis at the Ram's home opener:

Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 19: Something you miss

I intentionally skipped day 18 because I don't truly regret anything-everything I have done in my life has led me to where I am now and I've learned a lesson from the bad and embraced the good.

Now as to what I miss-I miss my Grandmother and Grandfather.  When I was little my parents were flat broke and both had to work full time jobs to even begin to make ends meet.  Because of this, I spent a lot of time at my grandparents house and they became "second parents" to me.  When my grandfather passed away in 2004 (he actually died on February 29th-so like him), it devastated me.  It was sudden, he'd been in the hospital for a bilateral leg amputation and was doing great-my mom had literally just left the hospital because he was doing so well when I got the call at home to get back asap as he didn't have much time.  I didn't make it in to talk to him and have so many things I wish I'd said before he died.  I told him every time I saw him that I loved him and I'd see him again so I have no regrets, I just wish I could have told him how much he truly meant to me.

 Grandpa and "his boy," my younger brother Greg.

Last January, Grandma went to be with Grandpa again after 6 long years without him.  He was her only love and she actually threatened any girls who gave him the time of day so that she could be with him.  He was friends with her older brother and when Grandma saw something she wanted, she went for it.  I loved her spunk and she and I were very close.  I was the only grandchild who could just sit and talk to her for hours on end about my life, her life, and just any subject in general.  I feel like we had a special bond and I miss her and probably will for the rest of my life.  I made sure that when I lived in NY I saw her at least once a week, even if it was for just a couple minutes over a drink (her-tea me-diet coke).  Then when I moved to KY, I tried to make sure to talk to her on the phone as much as I could and visited at least every other month.  I spent time every Christmas with her and stayed at her house any time I could.  She was a wonderful, warm hearted, gracious woman who wouldn't ever say a bad thing about anyone, even if she knew they would never hear it.  Even though she's gone, I still talk to her every day and tell her how much I love her and miss her.
Grandma having fun at our wedding with Sean, Geoff's dad.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A demonstration of how much I've changed since I was 20

This link is to my old livejournal I had when I was 20 and had no clue what was going on with my life (I was also still undiagnosed with bipolar (II) disorder.).

Also-I apologize for the use of the word "retarded" in a negative form-I have learned so much about how negative connotations of a relatively benign word can hurt in the last 6 years.

I'll re-do the first questionnaire just to give a little example:
-- Name: Rebecca
-- Birthdate: 07.10.1984.
-- Birthplace: Rochester, NY
-- Current Location: My bedroom, studying for my Medical Terminology test :)
-- Eye Color: green
-- Hair Color: brown
-- Height: 5'8..
-- Righty or Lefty: righty
-- Zodiac Sign: Cancer-but now it's changed according to the 13 signs theory I'm a Gemini

-- Skin Color: I'm white-almost see-through
-- The shoes you wore today: Adidas that look like bowling shoes according to my 10 year old neighbor
-- Your weakness: still the stuff
-- Your fears: losing Geoff still, losing my dad
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: well, I got married!  I'd like to get KTFU and finish college still.

-- Your most overused phrase: I don't really have one that i know of other than " I want a baby" haha
-- Your thoughts first waking up: Will this month be the one?
-- Your bedtime: Around 12am

-- Pepsi or Coke: Still diet coke
-- McDonalds or Burger King: BK-I love their chicken
-- Single or group dates: Group-I love getting to know other couples around our age or a little older
-- Adidas or Nike: Adidas, though Puma is still my first love
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton Peach Green Tea-yum!
-- Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla 
-- Cappuccino or coffee: not much of a coffee drinker-still true

-- Smoke: ew
-- Cuss: a hell of a lot less-sorry for the previous profanity :(
-- Sing: yes-all.the.time.  I have a decent voice and love to sing.
-- Take a shower everyday: most of the time, sometimes I come home and I'm exhausted so I skip til the next day (I know, I smell)
-- Do you have a boyfriend: nope, I have a hubby
-- Do you think you've been in love: definitely, just not how I thought I know what love is
-- Excited to go to college or university?: I'm still in college, hopefully I'll finish before I'm 40 lol
-- Like high school: still hate high school-it was a bad 4 years for me
-- Want to get married: I already did so I hope I wanted to!
-- Believe in yourself: more now than before
-- Get motion sickness: absolutely-I have felt nauseous every time we drive down country roads or when I fly
-- Get along with your parents: still do-they're amazing people
-- Like thunderstorms: not a fan but not afraid of them
-- Play an instrument: I used to play clarinet, some flute, and some piano.  I want to learn the guitar

In the past month... 
-- Drank alcohol: nope-trying to have a baby so I don't drink anymore (I haven't really drank in 3 years so not a big deal to give it up)
-- Smoked: no
-- Gotten kisses: yes, of the puppy, baby, kitty, and hubby kind
-- Gone to the mall?: nope, can't say I have..we had MAJOR money issues the last year (like, we only made $24k combined last year while Geoff was unemployed) but now I'll be shopping more often
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: nope, I haven't eaten a single Oreo
-- Eaten sushi: nope-but I've tried it now (hated it)
-- Been on stage: nope
-- Been dumped: nope
-- Gone skating: no, I haven't gone in years actually
-- Made homemade cookies: nope
-- Dyed your hair: last time I did was summer '09
-- Stolen anything: nope

-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: the point of alcohol poisoning..go me (sarcasm)
-- Been caught "doing something": nope-the family is pretty well aware we're trying to have a baby and they keep away haha
-- Been called a tease: yeah
-- Gotten beaten up: yes
-- Changed who you were to fit in: yup-I'm starting to get more comfortable in my skin though

In a guy/girl...
-- Best eye color? brown
-- Best hair color? black
-- Short or long hair: short 
-- Height: as tall as my geoffrey is <---Did I really talk like this??? ::gag:: he's 6'2 by the way
-- Best articles of clothing: hoodies and jeans
-- Best first date location: restaurant
-- Best first kiss location:  somewhere quiet-not like mine with Geoff-parking lot at BK when I was at work because the girls yelled at me for not having done it yet

-- Number of drugs taken illegally: 1 if you include alcohol-I don't know why I lied previously
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: several, like, my whole family
-- Number of CDs: none-I have an iPod now :)
-- Number of piercings: 0-all of them closed and my bellyring fell out so I never put it back in
-- Number of tattoos: none but I'm wanting one now
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: three times-high school, engagement, marriage
-- Number of scars on my body: zillions-I'm clumsy what can I say
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: hating my tiny body then getting upset and gaining tons of weight<-still that one

Day 17: Something you are looking forward to

I am completely looking forward to going to NY either in March or August (not sure yet).  I have a new cousin coming in March (due on my dad's birthday, the 9th) and I can't wait to meet him!  If I go in March, I can see him in his cute little newborn phase, and I already know I'm going in August, it's not an either/or, it's a one or both situation.

In August, there is a carnival in my cousin's very small town (literally about 50 people live there).  I have looked forward to this carnival every year since I can remember.  There's a big parade before the carnival officially opens and my whole family gathers at Aunt Cathy's house to have dinner/drinks before the parade.  Then, during the parade, we all sit in her front yard while Jackie (my 6 year old cousin) sells lemonade to people walking by.  She makes quite a bit of money before/during/after the parade and brings it down to the carnival with her.  After the parade, it's about a 2 minute walk to the fire department where the carnival is held.  You can literally take a roll of quarters down there and have a great night, everything is about 50 cents to play and food is super cheap (just thinking about salt potatoes is making my mouth water).  My uncle runs the beat the dealer table and that's where we end up spending most of the night.  It's a great time and there's lots to do (beat the dealer, bingo, the rat game-where a rat runs around on a table with colored wedges and you bet on which wedge he will go into).  I have gone back up north every year to go to this carnival and I don't plan on doing anything different this year.  Jackie will be 7, Sophia will be 4, Ben will be 1, and Baby C will be about 5 months and I can't believe they're all getting so big!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Days 15 and 16...

So I took yesterday off to clean the house for our Superbowl Party.  The party was a hit but the game, not so much...oh well.

Day 15: Bible verse
Galatians 5:14
For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

I chose this verse because it is something I try to live by.  I am kind to a fault and would never intentionally hurt someone.  I will call them out on their bullshit but I always reach out a hand to help people and forgive others faults easily. 

Day 16: Dream House

Geoff and I will never be able to afford my true dream house, so I'm living vicariously here:

I have always loved Victorian-era mansions.  There was one in the town my grandparents lived in and I always dreamed I would buy it.  ::Sigh::

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 14: A picture you love

This is my favorite picture in the whole world.  It was taken about 3 weeks before my grandmother passed away and it shows our big, happy family on my mom's side.  In the back row are my brother, my Uncle Paul, my cousin Alex, my dad, and Geoff.  The middle row is Sarah (about 4 months pregnant with Ben), Grandma, my mom, Aunt Leen, and Aunt Cathy.  The front row is Kenzie, Karen, Kristen, Sophia, Jackie, and me!  This picture reminds me of happy times and it was our family's 2nd annual Christmas Brunch.  We are a very tight-knit family and would do anything for each other.  Grandma had a wonderful last Christmas and we were all so happy that she knew Ben was coming before she passed away.  He has many of her qualities and even makes a face she used to love making.  I'm saddened that she will never get to meet Karen's little boy or any of my (or my brother's) future children, but I'm glad that we got to spend so much time with her and that she got to, after 6 years, be with my grandpa again in Heaven.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

I really need to stop being so bad at this!

So I've missed 3 days again, I've gotta stop being a horrible blogger!  Nothing new to report on the fertility line, other than I'm at odds with a nurse at my Dr's office because she won't schedule me for a 7DPO progesterone check.  I circumvented her and will be going to a local lab that does certain tests without a doctor's orders.  I want to make sure that I ovulated this cycle and the only way to do that is with this bloodwork.

Alright, now onto the 30 day challenge: Day 11: Favorite TV shows
Day 12: What you believe
Day 13: Goals

Day 11: 

My favorite TV shows are varied but mostly I'd say:
Glee: The Complete First SeasonCriminal Minds: The First SeasonThe Simpsons: The Thirteenth SeasonJeopardyGreek: Chapter Five - The Complete Third SeasonAmerica's Next Top Model - Cycle 1Law & Order Special Victims Unit - The First YearTrue Blood: The Complete First Season (HBO Series)

I obviously love TV haha and I love shows that make me think at some times (like Criminal Minds, Jeopardy, and Law and Order: SVU, and at other times I love shows that are just light and easy to watch (like Glee, The Simpsons, Greek, True Blood, and ANTM).  The only kinds of shows I don't really like are Science Fiction like Star Trek, which kills Geoff because those are his favorites!

Day 12: 

I believe in God, but I don't believe in all the tenets of the church, especially the Catholic Church in which I was raised.  I hate the way that religion is skewed to fit a certain warped point of view (ie: anti-gay, anti-IVF, anti-Muslim, etc).  I believe that all things are created by God and if they are created  by Him, how can they be bad?  All religions have the same basic idea, one or more deities who require a certain moral code.  There are slight differences between them but I don't understand why people think that their one religion is better than another.  

Day 13: 

Right now my main goal is obviously to get pregnant.  Geoff and I want 4 kids before we're 35 (hopefully even sooner than that) so being 26 with a difficult time getting pregnant scares us.  Hopefully this first round of treatment will work and we'll be on our way to fertile city!  
Other than that, my goal for my career is to be either a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner or a Family Practice Nurse Practitioner.  I have always wanted to do something in medicine and I love children so pediatrics seemed to be the way to go.  Midwifery also appeals to me, but I am still not 100% sure of that path.  I want to achieve my BSN by 35 and my MSN by 45 so I think that I have put myself on a good path to achieving my goals.