Monday, January 31, 2011

I am horrible at this, now I remember why I never succeeded!

So I'm in Virginia visiting with my mother-in-law and trying to help her sort out Sean's finances (apparently they kept them separate which was a HORRIBLE idea).  The mortgage company is already calling because the house was set to go into foreclosure in December and one of his credit card bills came in to the tune of $15k with a minimum payment of $700.  They are ridiculously in debt and Geoff is having a hard time coming to the realization that it is not his fault and there is nothing he can do about it.  They chose to purchase a $600,000 house, they chose to have expensive cars (a Honda Prelude and a Mercedes C-class).  He lives frugally and while they struggled making $135k+ per year, we survived and were able to still buy nice things on $22k last year.  Now that we're back up at the $61k we were accustomed to, we will be able to do nicely and pay off our credit cards (to the tune of $2400, no biggie) and my car (we owe $6,000) while padding up our savings account again.  I feel for Candy (MIL), but she is partially to blame for the financial problems they have and aided Sean in the spending.  They have no savings accounts, no will, and no 401(k) or IRA.  We have offered her a room in our house while she gets back on her feet, but I'm afraid she will try to turn it into a forever situation and that is the last thing I want.

I used my hCG trigger shot yesterday afternoon (meant to force ovulation) and for the first time since we started trying to conceive saw EWCM (egg-white cervical mucus, the most fertile kind!).  It is a silly thing to be excited about but I am hoping it is an omen that this cycle is going to work.  I got up the courage to stab myself in the ass with a needle when I'm a huge needle phobe, so I deserve it! (Joking....well, almost joking).  

The Trying to Get Pregnant (henceforth known as TTGP) board on the Bump has gotten ridiculous with their "rules and regulations" for posting on the board.  You cannot post a BFP (positive test result) on the board unless you have a certain number of people who recognize you.  You cannot post again on the board once you get pregnant because it's "offensive" to the "women" (I use that term loosely, anyone who posts on a message board forum about pregnancy and gets upset that others get pregnant is ridiculous) on the board who have been trying for a whopping 3-4 months.  I have no problem seeing pregnancy tickers, which is why I avoid the bump at all costs and post on a different board where I'm the .0001% that isn't pregnant.  I love reading advice they give to each other about the different aspects of pregnancy (I love to educate myself and what better way than hearing from people in the position I'm trying to get myself into?) and get so excited for them when their babies come.  It gives me hope that one day I'll be in their shoes and I know they'll be just as excited for me.  That is how a board should work, people being there for each other and telling the truth whether it is slightly painful or not.  I would rather hear someone tell me that something I say comes across really stupid than go on saying it and inadvertently offend someone.  The girls on my board have a reputation on the bump as being the "mean girls," but in truth, they are some of the nicest, most compassionate girls I have ever had the chance to know and I'm happy to have come across the board by lurking on the trimester boards on the bump.

Alright, now back to the days that I have missed with the blog challenge: Day 8: A place you've traveled to and Day 9: A picture of your friends

My favorite trips have always been to Jacksonville, FL.  I've never been anywhere really interesting, but going to Jacksonville is the best because that is where my Aunt Cindy lives.  We went for the first time when I was 10 and got to see Disney World for the first time as well as a visit to St. Augustine.  I have gone back 4 times since then and enjoyed every single one.  Aunt Cindy is one of my favorite aunts, and is an amazing cook.  Last time we went she got to really know Geoff for the first time (she was at the wedding but we had almost 250 guests so our time was limited with everyone).  She made a delicious sausage, corn, shrimp, and potato boil that was seasoned perfectly.  Going to Florida to see her has taught me what a boiled (or balled as my aunt says) peanut tastes like (gross, in case you're wondering), how funny it is when we go to the beach when it's 65 degrees out and my cousins have on parkas, and how much fun just going to visit family is.   Sorry that my place isn't too thrilling, I grew up in Western NY about 90 minutes from Niagara Falls, so that never thrilled me, and I've gone to Southern California and Tijuana but never enjoyed them as much as I enjoy going to Florida.

And I fail at day 9.  I don't have any pictures of my friends on this computer (Geoff's) or on FB and as I'm out of town, I have no access to my printed pictures.  I have to get on my brother to upload some of his because I have a really good one of me, Kenzie, my cousin Kristen, and Jenn on his camera.  I'll upload it as soon as he sends it to me.