Tuesday, May 17, 2011

We Figured it Out!!

How to pay for IVF if necessary that is.  We were worried because there are things that we HAVE to spend money on right now like a new car for him and a new house closer to where he works.  He's currently driving 50 miles each way to work with a car that gets 27mpg at best and is basically falling apart.  He can take my car in the summers but that still only gets him about 29mpg (though a more reliable car) but in the fall I'll be going to EKU and he'll be going to work so it's just not feasible for us to live with only one car.  

After thinking for hours about what to do, I realized that we get a large tax return when he is working ($4-5k) and that the gov't will allow us to put up to $5k in our flexible spending account.  That would give us $9-10k toward IVF so we would only have to take out a small loan to cover the rest.  This was a HUGE weight off of our shoulders because we know that IVF is a very real possibility.  We'll do a couple more IUIs with an RE before moving on, but I'd rather just spend the $12k or so on IVF that has a large chance of working considering our age than to continue spending almost $900/IUI for too much longer.  We also won't be able to do IVF until I get under a certain BMI (I think 35).  My current BMI (according to the charts) is 40, so I would need to lose 33 more lbs to get to that point.  Totally feasible by October, let alone this time next year.  It's exciting and scary at the same time to be able to afford IVF, to know that if it comes down to it, we will have done every thing we could to have a baby.  I know I'm a good responder so that's no issue, the only thing is getting my weight down and trying a little more the old fashioned way, trying a couple more IUIs (we've done 2, I'd probably do 2 more) and then going for it.  Obviously we'd prefer to not have to spend any money but if we have to, we will.

Also-Geoff is getting a Ford Fiesta when he gets home and I'm super excited about it. I think he's getting the hatch which will be much easier when we finally have a kid because I won't have to finagle a stroller into it, it would just set nicely in the back.   On top of that, I'm getting an iPad2 when he gets home for more reason than I just want one.  When he goes to Asia he has to bring another computer if we want to skype, so instead of bringing a large laptop or my smaller (yet still bulky) netbook, he'd bring the iPad with him (that is until he gets his own this winter for his birthday hopefully!).  

Andplusalso-I got accepted into school today.  I'm going to Eastern Kentucky University this fall for Elementary Education.  It's another thing that's exciting yet scary at the same time.  I'm afraid of success almost as much as I'm afraid of failure so it's a big hump to get over.  So much exciting stuff going on right now!!