Monday, April 18, 2011

Saying goodbye to the "decades" and hopefully a "century"

My goal is to continue to lose weight until I am at a healthy weight or pregnant, whichever comes first.  My goal weight is around 165, even though my mom thinks it should be 170-180.  I want to look good in a bikini again and for once, know that I look good.

I'm joining the YMCA next week and hopefully starting Zumba classes there.  Here's to saying goodbye to the decades and century!  I'll be C&Ping this into new posts as I hit them, hopefully the first will be Friday! :)
I also think for every 2 decades I'll be gifting myself something...

Goal:                        Goal Achieved:                                              Gift?
270s [ ]
260s [ ]
250s [ ]
240s [ ]
230s [ ]
220s [ ]
210s [ ]
200s [ ]
190s [ ]
180s [ ]
170s [ ]
GOAL and goodbye 100 lbs! [ ]